Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Two New Characters Approach!

Well, long time no update.  I wrapped up my Masters degree in December and since then have been super busy packing, moving myself cross country (back to Washington state), and taking art tests. 

Any who, here are a couple of characters I wrapped up:

This first one is a piece of fan-art, a Gurren Lagann skin I made for the League of Legends champion, Rumble.


Next, is a human Paladin I created as an art test for the World of Warcraft Character team.


  1. Have to ask, was the Digger Rumble skin inspired by TopSpinTheFuzzy's concepts on the LoL forums? He's a friend of mine, and has been working on this skin for a while now. Both of your models are awesome, by the way.

  2. Hey James, sorry I JUST saw this. Yeah actually. I had planned on making some fan art for LoL and my buddy at Riot sent me the link to that thread. Since I love Gurren Lagann and thought TopSpin's idea was a good one, I decided to do my own take on it.

  3. did you complete the test? just curious.. cuz this art is rly good! do you animate aswell?
